Social media
We use the social media as an additional channel of communication with our users and customers. You will find us in Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn, where we present the details of the products, services and projects of the Bella Food Company. We follow certain rules of communication, which you will find below or on our network pages.
The main objective of our official Facebook pages is to provide information about products, services and projects of the Bella Food Company. Take a closer look at:
- BELLA (products with the BELLA brand, promotions and recipes);
- LEKI (products with the LEKI brand, promotions and recipes);
- Sachi (products with the Sachi brand, promotions and recipes);
- Orehite – (products with the Orehite brand, promotions and recipes);
- Tommi – (products with the Tommi brand, promotions and recipes)
Rules for communication in our Facebook pages
Each user is responsible for his own publications and comments. We do not undertake the obligation to respond to each comment on our pages.
We reserve the right to delete comments/posts that threaten or offend users of the page; contain obscene qualifications or are aimed at spreading false and defamatory information; which does not relate to the topic of the page.
In order for our communication to be effective, we politely ask you, upon a negative experience with our products or services, to share the case with us personally through our contact center.
Our channel in YouTube contains videos with our brands and products and the activities of the company.
Through our page in LinkedIn we communicate with representatives of different sectors in the food industry and present the opportunities for work with us.