

‘Sachi Good for You’ and for Your Heart

October 1

'For Bulgaria with less salt' - the cause of 'Sachi good for you', which aims to limit the use of salt in the menu of the Bulgarians, was given as an example by health authorities. They stated the cause is a very important kind of social commitment to the healthy life. This happened during the World Heart Day's campaign, organized by the Ministry of Health on September 29.

The purpose of Sachi's cause is to reduce the salt in the menu of the Bulgarians. Thus, the company created the country's first line-meat products up to 30% less salt. The new series ‘Sachi Good for You’ is a result of the annual surveys of the best polices and practices the EU countries. The project comes in response to the new realities associated with the pursuit of healthy food in the country, said Kyril Hadjidinev, Marketing Director at Bella Bulgaria. As a guest of the event, he expressed confidence that the Sachi’s initiative will find its followers because such a cause is greater than one brand.

The start of the cause ‘For Bulgaria with less salt’ was given on September 20 with an installation in the form of a giant saltern placed in front of the Ministry of Health. It represents the amount of salt wich Bulgaria could save if Bulgarians choose only one day with less salt. For more information -

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