The products in the portfolio of the Bella are produced in 12 factories with a production capacity of 350 tons per day. Their equipment is in accordance with the highest international technological standards.
In order to ensure the quality and the safety of its products the BELLA works in accordance with state-of-the-art European technologies with high-tech equipment, automated, with limited access of people. The work on the hygiene standards of the company started at the stage of the design of the enterprises.
Systems for control and monitoring of quality and safety HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, IFS have been introduced.
The incoming raw materials come from regulated suppliers, guaranteeing their origin and purity. The raw materials are packed in secure containers and shipped with special refrigerated transport. For each batch of raw materials an organoleptic control is carried out – color, smell, impurities, etc. Control checks on the physico-chemical and the microbiological characteristics of incoming raw materials are carried out in an accredited laboratory.
FoodScan is BELLA’s own physical-chemical laboratory, mainly used for its meat processing activity. It is used for tests on the raw materials and the semi-finished and finished products with a minimum preparation of the sample, by determining the content of fat, protein, collagen, water and salt. FoodScan can process 70 samples per hour. The speed of the research enables fast and precise readjustment and improvement of the production process, if necessary.
Products are tested regularly in accredited Bulgarian and European laboratories.
The most modern methods of packaging and materials with barrier properties, with which the quality of the product is maintained and it is protected from environmental influences, are being used.
In the production and labeling of its products, BELLA strictly observes the Bulgarian and the European legislation and guarantees to its consumers quality and awareness. Main principle of the company is the introduction of innovations in food production in response to the high expectations of its customers in the country and abroad.